From the blog

Dreaming Awake

No matter what season, I always begin and end my days in the garden with water rituals honouring all directions, all elements and All My Relations.

My garden altar awaiting spring blossoms

Last night it was a great silence and my tree companion asked me to pay attention and listen. I was always a dreamer and usually my ideas and offerings for the Collective come through dreams. When they become ripe enough, I wake up around 4 am and record them. So it is today: very windy and rainy this morning. The Great Spirit woke me up with a message: Instead of trespassing, PASS THROUGH these times with all aid you may gather from all that is being offered. Pass through so this can easily PASS BY you without affecting you severely in  negative ways. Just like this great wind of change related to pandemic, wars, upheavals , destruction, and major shifts in our personal lives.

Life passing like waters in this fountain

With full moon in eclipse I experienced three of my sacred nature places here in Lantzville, BC being destroyed and disappeared behind marks of “no trespassing or private property”.

Once my forest temple
Once access to my quiet nature place
Good Bye my Tree Friends

In few days I am leaving into a war zone near Ukraine, my native land of Slovakia. I will continue to serve my Island community with New Moon and Full Moon Kundalini Meditations, if not directly via Zoom Live streaming video, then by Youtube recorded meditations.

Acceptance mudra

In Europe I will meet with Juan/Xuan, who is also dreaming awake through his service of European Dragon Tour. We will gather with my Slovak sangat before we gather with my Canadian sangat with him in September 2022.

Xuan and Modrana 2019 Bolivia after long night ceremony

Farewell with my offerings to you, my fellow Island Light/Dream/Weavers:

  1. New and Full Moon meditations (to be found under Events or at my Youtube channel)
  2. Lion’s Gate Dragon Retreat in Lantzville, BC for women 8/8/2022- click HERE
  3. Dragon Retreat: Kundalini Activation in the Vidette Nature Retreat/Center of the Universe in September 2022 – click HERE
Private moments in Vidette Nature Retreat’s cabin 2021

Happy Spring and Summer awakening, ascending and blossoming. All is precious and sacred, do not let it pass away without being noticed, fully savoured, and experienced. ENJOY!

Resilience of fallen buds, which came in full blossom

Modrana Co-Creation For the benefit of All My Relations


DNA purification ritual April 2022
New growth

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