Michaela Flow 2021

Kundalini Full Moon Meditation/English (CA)

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Date(s) - 15 May 2022
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


TIME: 60 minutes

WHEN: LIVE on Sunday  or REPLAY whenever you choose to do this personal practice, best as soon as possible, so you can be still in Full Moon energies. Have enough integration, reflection and incubating process after the practice.

WHERE: In the coziness of our homes through ZOOM online application, or in form of Youtube video in replay later. In this virtual space and in a subtle way, we will still nourish our community connection, and mutuality in growing awareness, “riding the same wave in the quantum field”.

HOW: A Protocol for Kundalini Yoga applies for your safe and effective participation, as this practice has a powerful energetic impact and can have unpredictable effects, if done under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or with severe health issues. If done LIVE in the evening, prepare to continue in a dream state of being and try to remember your dreams/write them down before you get out from your bed, or enjoy a salt bath and self-pampering after. For participants in Slovakia, if you do it as morning sadhana, please allow some resting time after, if possible, for the best results. If done as a REPLAY, leave some open space to be just with yourself and have some rest at home or outside in nature.

Modrana is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Full Moon Meditation
Time: May 15, 2022 08:00 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 8184 6650
Passcode: Kundalini
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+17806660144,,83981846650#,,,,*825060507# Canada

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+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+421 233 056 888 Slovakia
+421 233 418 515 Slovakia
Meeting ID: 839 8184 6650
Passcode: 825060507
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcC6tK9b0c

Michaela Flow 2021

Let us celebrate this upcoming Full Moon on Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 8:00 pm for one hour of deep and high, powerful meditative process. Just after 1 hour dedicated to this Kundalini practice within the ZOOM Live meeting, the total lunar eclipse will begin. Visible in Nanaimo in its maximum at 9:11 pm until almost 10pm. See details here: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2022-may-16
Lucky we are! Eclipses can really effectively pull out hidden parts of selves up to the surface, which are ready and available for purification and transformation. What a great opportunity to welcome it, embrace it, work through it with aim of gradually greater liberation, so that we can leap forward and walk light and shiny towards a peak of Light at Summer Solstice. This is the longest prime-time total lunar eclipse on the west coast of North America in this century. Yupeee!


Kundalini Full Moon Meditation focussed at first on off-load from shadow inner worlds with this Lunar Eclipse, and then on Kriya Shakti: intentions to be supported, blessed and highlighted. Aiming to feed the path of the HEART pronounced by the last New Moon: “What ignites me, what inspires me and what motivates me” can now become the inner compass to guide our ways on. 

This is non-interactive ZOOM connection, where you will be muted and in the receiving mode only. Prepare as you would for a regular yoga class: create space for sitting, standing, or lying position. Dim your lights, have your water handy, and observe the Protocol for Kundalini Yoga practice.

You can opt out from the video, so you will not show up on the screen for other participants. Choose “speaker view” on your upper right side of the Zoom screen, so that you can see me clearly.

If you cannot participate at the given time, you can follow with REPLAY after the live event in the format of Youtube video, which you will be able to use whenever you wish. Click on Youtube link on the Welcome page to find it.

