Date(s) - 8 August 2022
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Base Camp
LION’S GATE INTENSIVE: Kundalini Compass, Balance and Sustenance.
One day intensive at Lion’s Gate of 8/8/2022 for 8 women for $88.
We will dedicate 8 hours to practices of Kundalini yoga, meditation, pranic, shamanic, IBP (Integrative Body Psychotherapy) and Earth based rituals, along with having fun, play, laugh, eat, relax, rejuvenate and SHINE together.
The space-holders are Jana/Modrana and Larry/WillowWalker.
The base camp for this retreat will be in our Lanzville residence in airy tent, where we will gather in the morning to open our Circle and continue with our adventure outdoors. We will set out for a nature immersion experience and return with many gifts to integrate within our private and confidential circle environment. Each participant will bring lunch for outdoor picnic and return back home for dinner. This retreat is open for women only, preferably to ones, who are already familiar with Jana’s ways of practice, communication, sharing, space-holding, and have already established basic trust. With this we can aim high and surrender to personal depths for more advanced forms of co-creation, for the benefit of each of us and All My Relations.
That is what we were training for together since Anahata Yoga and Healing is in its existence (2004).
DRAGON: call it SHE, HE or IT… It feels and looks like this – hear it, see it and taste it here:
That means SELF-SENSORY BEING of Aquarian Age. You are either IT or who/what is? You CAN awake and live fully and freely NOW!
This is the MEDICINE and the key principle being offered: I/YOU can COMMIT with NO DOUBT, so that CREATION ITSELF=DRAGON ITSELF CAN make it or nothing happens for our MAMA EARTH.
It is not about “maybe”… or “we will see”… (awaiting more stability…until government, my MD, my spouse, someone, something out there will figure it out or resolve…when pandemic is over…the mandate changes…, when I get healthy, when I get more money, proper job, more energy, it is endless…) IT IS HAPPENING IN THIS VERY MOMENT THROUGH ME and YOU. I/YOU energize IT, magnetize IT, materialize IT, I AM IT, I AM/I AM. We are the future of this planet in my current thought, emotion and physical state of being.
That is my call to you, my Kundalini tribe, my Island community.
DRAGON is raising her head within me, within you, within us… She may energize, empower and enable you and that IS your free choice and free will. You may remain in “Sleeping Beauty” mode of complacency and wait for a prince to come with his magic life giving kiss. Or you may come fully alive with this force and catch the WAVE, which is HERE ALREADY. Just collect your courage and JUMP, LEAP, DO IT! Otherwise, who else will? That is the testing ground of Dragon retreat 8/8/2022.
Why do I care so much? Because each of us is a critical contributor at the tipping point of the evolution on Planet Earth. Each of my feelings, thoughts and physical acts or non-acts ads to the planetary smog or live giving sustainable force. Power Circles of Light are boosters of emanation of loving waves and catalysts for deep cleanse in human communities. Societies where rituals, ceremonies, celebrations, gatherings and meaningful joyous connections are missing, create sprouting grounds for unhealthy bodies, fearful reactive minds, emotional unstable extremities and spiritual disconnect. Then I become a virus and war happens at my home.
This is my personal contribution sprouting through my life’s purpose. Your financial contribution may be covered through your extended medical benefits, given my active Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) practice.
You cannot get it until you get it through DIRECT EXPERIENCE. In that moment all doubts, fears and insecurities cease like clouds under the sun. Even death cannot take it away. Your inner compass is set, Kundalini balance, sustenance and grace carries you through in the flow, with ease and joy. An adventure in continuum even if in seeming boredom of daily duties.
Possible picture of the Day:
Just like a lion can jump through a burning ring with determination and courage, metaphorically expressed, each of us shall pass through ultraviolet cleansing from the ring of karma, facilitated by WillowWalker in Pranic/Shamanic tradition. That shall allow our individual self-authority, as human being of free will, to initiate in the Quantum Field, a powerful ignition of the whole process, in which our bonds and bindings to the past shall be erased on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Then one’s optimal etheric Self, entelechy, gets green light in manifesting herself in this material realm. WillowWalker shall continually monitor purity and safety of our time-space capsule, whether in Lantzville or remotely outside, just like male energy provides a safety container for blossoming creative flow of female energy….surrendering to her own ecstatic divination.
After this initial ceremony of 8/8/2022, we will proceed to the grand salt-water bowl of purification, which we call Ocean. Our co-creation, where each of us as equal will bring her sacred offerings, gifts, wishes, projections or healthy intentions, shall multiply 8-folds. We will enter into shared agreements, where confidentiality, mutuality, equality and magnitude of quantum potentiality shall be magnetized by power of 8, commonly known as “power circle”. Dragon I am, Dragon WE ARE.
The day shall emerge on its own, is not pre-prepared, pre-determined by myself or anyone else but Dragon Itself. Each woman shall invest her own energy field, as she rises and falls, like all lunar beings do, and goes through her ups and downs, shadows and lights. This delivers unique form, a pilgrimage unknown, yet, supported by all elementals, Light and Sound, already well tested techniques of Kundalini yoga, meditation, pranic, shamanic, Earth based, quantum field and multidimensional energy work. Your personal talents, gifts and emerging capacities or abilities are welcome to be incorporated in our circle. As in fairy tales, Once upon a time…, such occurrence of creative flow never happened before and will never happen again. IT IS already established in Indra’s Net.
Self-Mastery within Great Mystery
Beyond therapy, yoga and transformation
for 8 brilliant women ready
to conceive – achieve – believe
and actively participate at this not pre-designed program but pre-conceived in our destiny mission on Planet Earth.
No more passive awaiting, hoping and praying for …now birthing, collaborating and co-creating with Great Mystery and through Her most potent practices of Kundalini Yoga, Pranic, Shamanic and Quantum techniques for human transformation and self-actualization supporting the shift from dependence to autonomy and communion. .
This is not about the effort but the FLOW
no competition but re-calibration and mutual magnification energetically woven just right for this confidential circle constellation coming out from isolation and shining bright in courageous determination. We no longer wait for the right circumstances forming around, instead, we manifest the forms for our deepest and highest soul desires from inside out together as one for Mother Earth and All our Relations. So be it, Sat Nam, Wahe Guru!
Claim your spot now at
If this touches your heart and inspires your soul, please, respond with your big YES, so that the whole Universe can send you in return big YES.
In gratitude and creative excitement,
Jana/Modrana Co-Creation