The library of Jana’s videos is presented below.
Full Moon Kundalini Meditation May 2024: Clear Out Your Mental Paranoia/How to deal with an Accident
Full Moon Kundalini Meditation May 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results. After this specific meditation is recommended to drink a lot of fluids, do not eat any solids. Instead, some juice or smoothie in addition to lots of water.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Kriya to Clear Out Your Mental Paranoia - around 27 minutes
3. Drawing in prosperity consciousness with HAR mantra - 5 minutes
4. Synchronization Meditation: How to deal with an Accident balancing Negative and Positive Mind - 11 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon Meditation May 2024: Adi shakti celestial communication/Longevity Kriya
Kundalini New Moon Meditation May 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. In this celestial communication, connect with the Infinite with Kundalini Bhakti Mantra, which manifests as the feminine and calls upon the primal Mother Power. Can be practiced also by men. One can obtain a deeper understanding of a constant interplay of manifest and unmanifest qualities of cosmos and consciousness.
Adi shakti Adi shakti Adi shakti Namo namo
Sarab shakti Sarab shakti Sarab shakti Namo namo
Pritham bhagvati Pritham bhagvati Pritham bhagvati Namo namo
Kundalini Mata Shakti Mata Shakti Namo namo
3. Longevity Kriya for resilience - 9 minutes
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
5. Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Earth Day Full Moon Kundalini Meditation April 2024: Discover the Beauty & Heavens Within/Judging Environment Through the Senses
Earth Day Wesak Full Moon Kundalini Meditation April 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Meditation to Discover the Beauty & Heavens Within - 15 minutes
3. Judging Environment Through the Senses (balancing Neutral and Negative Mind) - 11 minutes
4. Gratitude practice
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam 3x
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video is strongly recommended after this practice.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon Meditation April 2024: Sitali Pranayam/Tapa Yog Karam Kriya
Kundalini New Moon Meditation April 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Sitali Pranayam - 5 minutes
3. Creative visualization transcending the Self and downloading from the Outer Source into an Inner Source
4. Spatial orientation with side bends
5. Tapa Yog Karam Kriya - 11 minutes with mantra SAT NAM SAT NAM SAT NAM SAT NAM SAT NAM SAT NAM WAHE GURU
6. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video is strongly recommended after this practice.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Equinox Full Moon Meditation March 2024: Know Your Inner Balance/Arcline/Clear the Karmas
Kundalini Equinox Full Moon Meditation March 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Kundalini Kriya: Inner Assessment to Know Your Inner Balance, Your Inner Projection, Your Inner Strength - about 33 minutes
3. Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear the Karmas with mantra Wahe Guru Wahe Jeeo - 11 minutes
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
Kundalini New Moon Meditation March 2024: Pursuing the Art of Cohesiveness for balancing Creator aspect of the Mind
Kundalini New Moon Meditation March 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy - 5 repetitions of long ONG mantra
3. Kundalini Meditation: Pursuing the Art of Cohesiveness for balancing Creator aspect of the Mind - about 25 minutes
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video is strongly recommended after this practice.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation February 2024: Clearing anger and negative attitudes
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation February 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Meditation to Reverse Any Negative Attitude, Frustration and Depression - about 15 minutes
3. Sensing, meditating, elevating: Infinite, unlimited, vast Open heart for the best prayer for your personal empowerment Head, heart and soul united
4. Clearing Inner Anger - 15 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam 3 times
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste. Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Zoom version:
New Moon Welcomes Wood Dragon: Self-Confidence/Deep Relaxation/Knowing What to Do
Kundalini New Moon Meditation February 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Welcoming Year of Wood Dragon
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Meditation for Self-Confidence - 9 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation for Deep Relaxation with Q-breath - 7 minutes
4. Knowing What to Do - 11 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam 3 times
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation January 2024. Undesired Thoughts/ Impulsive Behaviour/Guidance Kriya
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation January 2024. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Meditation for Undesired Thoughts - 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation for Treating Impulsive Behaviour - 11 minutes
4. Guidance Kriya - 11 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam 3 times
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
New Year 2024 New Moon 1-11: 7 directions/ Inca Intunement/Inner Sun/Pranic Sequence/Super Brain Yoga
Kundalini Meditative Celebration out in woods bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini meditation and celebration of new beginnings recorded at January 6th/Epiphany: marks the day when the Three Wise Men visited baby Jesus in Bethlehem. At this era we are welcoming return of Christ Consciousness, in other words Kundalini Rising. In alignment with upcoming New Moon on January 11th, Jana Modrana combined these two special occasions into this one celebration in Nature's embrace.
You may join me outdoors or just chill at home and enjoy in your own way. When I stopped the recording, it was 1 hour and 11 minutes long. It always amuses me and affirms that Divine Presence is with us. Gratitude for this plentitude of Kundalini activation through many traditions. They usually do not mix, but in the Age of Aquarius a lot changes, transforms and harmonizes anew. In humility, respect and gratitude, I follow the flow of downloads.
Sitting and standing, have water to drink within your reach, and follow Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink before and after). This guarantees an optimal positive results.You can pause this video for your own ritual within this practice.
Theme is: What are my options? Who am I in my authentic Self? Free Will and its application through my choices.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Inca's intunement and attunement
2. Invocation of 7 directions
3. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
4. Kundalini Meditation: Immune System Booster: The Inner Sun
5. Pranic sequence from tradition of Master Choa Kok Sui
6. Super-Brain Yoga exercise from tradition of Master Choa Kok Sui
7. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam 3 times
8. Enclosing circle in 7 directions with lavender offering: sowing Peace
Receive some inspiration and enjoy. Happy, healthy and abundant New Year. Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Solstice and Full Moon Meditative Celebration December 2023. Calm Heart/Forgiveness/5th Chakra/Self-Love
Kundalini Solstice and Full Moon Meditative Celebration December 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded at Winter Solstice 2023 in alignment with upcoming Full Moon during Christmas holidays. Prepare for one and half hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may perform some warm up exercises before for best results. You will be asked to pause this video for your own Solstice ritual within this practice, which you may follow or not. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Story of Humming bird , Messenger between God and humans, Carrier of heart medicine (this totem asked for attention for this practice and a tiny humming bird nest and two little feathers offered by our humming bird friends here in Canada were sitting right next to me during this celebration)
3. Kundalini Meditation for a Calm Heart - 5 minutes
4. For-give-ness: Give for your own Freedom and letting go in Lakota Blackfeet perennial wisdom
5. Meditation for the Fifth Chakra with mantra Hamee Ham Brahm Ham/We are WE We are God in support of conscious communication
6. Firefly story and a song with reflection on self-worth, healthy ego and Hungry Ghost (you may pause this video for your own song and reflection)
7. Kundalini kriya: Creating Self-Love
8. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam 3 times
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon Meditation December 12/12, 2023: Fear of Failure/Heal yourself/Electromagnetic Field
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon Meditation December 12/12, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under New Moon Energies. Theme is: FEAR of FAILURE and DOUBT that I got it all wrong. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan are in their essence in alignment with practices of all peoples upholding perennial wisdom traditions.
Prepare for over one hour of sitting, standing and walking. Have water to drink within your reach. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Kriya: Heal Yourself
3. Kundalini Kriya: Electro-Magnetic Field
4. Closing chant: Mat the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon November 27, 2023: Stress Relief&Clearing Emotions of the Past/Cross Heart Kirtan Kriya/Forgiveness
Kundalini Full Moon Anywhere Anytime Meditation November 27, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under Full Moon Energies You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Theme is: FINDING ME IN ME. Practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan are in their essence in alignment with practices of all peoples upholding perennial wisdom traditions.
Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
- Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation: Stress Relief and Clearing Emotions of the Past - 11 minutes
3. Hoo'ponopono and benefits of Forgiveness: Give for your own Freedom
4. Cross-Heart Kirtan Kriya with mantra SA TA NA MA - 22 minutes
5. Variation of Locust Pose: explanation how to do it on your own before deep meditation to support navel, which in return supports heart center - 1-3 minutes after closing chant with Breath of Fire or Long Deep Breath
6. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon November 13, 2023: Communicate Your Honest Self/Breaking the Piscean Hypnotic Trance
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon Meditation November 13, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under New Moon Energies. Theme is: TRANSMISSION and INITIATION. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan are in their essence in alignment with practices of all peoples upholding perennial wisdom traditions.
Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. For this particular meditation you will need to have a mirror to see your eyes and face clearly. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Naad Meditation to Communicate Your Honest Self
3. Kundalini teachings: Differences between Piscean and Aquarian Age
4. Kundalini Meditation: Breaking the Piscean Hypnotic Trance
5. Closing chant: Mat the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime Full Moon Meditation October 28, 2023. Get Stable Anywhere/Master's Touch Meditation
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime Full Moon Meditation October 28, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under Full Moon Energies with partial lunar eclipse. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. This particular meditation is linked to Telepathic Circles. It is an experiment brought forward through Jana Modrana for our awareness how closely we are interconnected and thus inter-dependent in our co-creation in ALL and for All. Should you be interested to join, email me at Should anything interesting come to your awareness with a nudge to share it, I welcome it even without your direct participation in telepathic experimental project.
Practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan are in their essence in alignment with Earth practices of aboriginal peoples. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation: Get Stable Anywhere - 9 minutes
3. Kundalini Kriya: Master's Touch Meditation with mantra Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Hai Bhee Such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such - 11 minutes
4. Strengthening aura exercise - 3 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon Meditation October 14, 2023.: Central Nervous System/ Pituitary Gland//Self-blessing and Guidance by Intuition
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon Meditation October 14, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under New Moon Energies with partial solar eclipse. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. This particular meditation marks a beginning of Telepathic Circles. It is an experiment brought forward through Jana Modrana for our awareness how closely we are interconnected and thus inter-dependent in our co-creation in ALL and for All. Should you be interested to join, email me at
Practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan are in their essence in alignment with Earth practices of aboriginal peoples. Prepare for one hour of sitting and have water to drink within your reach. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Please, avoid any stimulants and substances before and after this Kundalini practice.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Kriya to Activate the Central Nervous System and Stimulate the Pituitary Gland
3. Kundalini Meditation for Self-blessing and Guidance by Intuition with mantra Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa
4. Closing chant: long Sat Nam 3 times
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime Full Moon Meditation September 28, 2023 with mantra Wha-Wha-Hey-Hey, Guroo/ Meditation for Mental Balance
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime Full Moon Meditation September 28, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in the forest of South Pender Island, BC, Canada. Visiting the Lifeboat Academy at Spalding Valley Farm, where intention of co-creative flow with Mother Earth, All My Relations, community beholders, are primary values being nurtured. Check out their offerings at Youtube: The Lifeboat Academy. In this lunar ritual, Kundalini practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan, channeled through Modrana Co-creation are quite fitting with environment. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called to remember and return to your center. Prepare for one hour of meditative practice in position of your choice: sitting or standing, if well grounded and balanced. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Presence, Reverence, Balance, Awareness and Tuning in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation with mantra Wha-Wha-Hey-Hey, Wha-Wha-Hey-Hey, Wha-Wha-Hey-Hey, Guroo.
3. Kundalini Meditation for Mental Balance
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon Meditation September 15, 2023: Gunpati Kriyato make impossible possible/ Atomic Radiation
Kundalini Anywhere Anytime New Moon Meditation September 15, 2023. Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in the forest by Kootenay Lake, BC. Practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan are in their essence in alignment with Earth practices of aboriginal peoples. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting, yet, you may do in standing if well grounded. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation to make impossible possible: Gunpati Kriya with mantra Sa-Ta-Na-Ma Ra-Ma-Da-Sa Sa-Say-So-Hung (could be practiced as "Breathwalk" technique/walking meditation)
3. Kundalini Meditation for Atomic Radiation with mantra Prana (corresponding to the force of electron) Apana (corresponding to the force of proton) Sushmana (corresponding to the force of neutron) Haree, Haree Har Haree Har Haree Har Haree (corresponding to Earth-plane Energies of Creation)
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Blue Moon August/30/2023 Meditation Kriya: Relieve, Relax, Recharge
Kundalini Blue Moon August/30/2023 Bilingual Meditation: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for about 1 hour of sitting, standing and lying down. After the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration (1 hour of hypnotic sleep is recommended after this kriya.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Kriya: Relieve, Relax, Recharge
3. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam 3x
Deep relaxation for 15 - 60 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon August 16, 2023 Meditation to Reverse Any Negative Attitude, Frustration or Depression/Invoking a Meditative State
Kundalini New Moon August 16, 2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation to Reverse Any Negative Attitude, Frustration or Depression
3. Back Paddling to affect aura
4. Kundalini Meditation: Invoking a Meditative State - 11 minutes
5. Long Sat Nam mantra neutralizing tension and revitalizing glandular system - 5x
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon August/1/2023 Meditation: Intuitive Assessment of Personality Defects/: Reflexes for the Vital Core promoting resilience
Kundalini Full Moon August/1/2023 Bilingual Meditation: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for about 1,5 hour of sitting and standing. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Tantric Kriya with Mantra Wha-Hay Gu-roo: Meditation for Intuitive Assessment of Personality Defects to Be Covered - 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Kriya: Reflexes for the Vital Core promoting resilience
4. Meditation for Strong Nerves
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 10-15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon July 17, 2023 Meditation for Third Chakra and Meditation for Change
Kundalini New Moon July 17, 2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation: Working on the Third Chakra with mantra HAR for about 20 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation of Change for about 11 minutes
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun and long Sat Nam
5. Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is gratefully welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon July 17, 2023 Meditation Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Full Moon 3/7/2023 Meditation for Thoughlessness/Kriya Beyond Fatique promoting resilience
Kundalini Full Moon July/3/2023 Bilingual Meditation: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for over one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation for Thoughlessness - 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Kriya: Beyond Fatique promoting resilience
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam
5. Deep relaxation for about 10 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon 18/6/ 2023 Meditation:Thyroid, Heart, Shoulders and Circulation/Haumei Bandana Kriya
Kundalini New Moon June18, 2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in pre-Solstice 2023' New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and standing. After the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Whistle Breath pranayama for Thyroid and Parathyroid glands
3. Kriya for Heart, Shoulders and Circulation
4.Haumei Bandana Kriya with mantra Wha-hay Wha-hay Wha-hay Gu-roo
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time and long Sat Nam
6. Deep relaxation 5-15 minutes on your own after the video
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon 3/6/2023 Bilingual Meditation: Chakra Balance/Behavior & Impulse/Absorption in the Crystal Being
Kundalini Full Moon 3/6/2023 Bilingual Meditation: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded in Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for over one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Chakra Balance Meditation with mantra HA-REE HAR - 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Kriya: Balancing Behavior & Impulse for times of crisis - 11 minutes
4. Kundalini Meditation for Absorption in the Crystal Being with mantra Saaaaaaaaaat-Nam for about 31 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon May 19, 2023 Meditation: Beauty & Heavens Within/Knowing What to Do
Kundalini New Moon May 19, 2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under the May 2023' New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation to Discover the Beauty & Heavens Within
3. Self-Healing meditation with silent mantra Sat Nam
4. Knowing What to Do with mantra HAR HAR MUKANDAY
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam
6. Deep relaxation 5-15 minutes on your own after the video
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon 5/5/2023 Meditation: Relief from Stress/Prosperity, Healing & Inner Wisdom
Kundalini Meditation recorded in Slovak Mountains before Dragon Retreat 5/5/2023 in Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Kriya: Relief from Stress for about 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation for Prosperity, Healing & Inner Wisdom with mantra HAR HARAY HAREE WHA HEY GURU - 22 minutes
4. Kundalini Kriya: High Tech Yoga
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam 3 times
Deep relaxation for about 15 minutes on your own after the video.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon April 20, 2023 Meditation: Intuitive Speaking/Applied Consciousness/Inner and Outer Vision
Kundalini New Moon April-19/20-2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under the April 2023' New Moon/Eclipse Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation: Intuitive Speaking & Applied Consciousness with mantra HAR
3. Kriya for Inner and Outer Vision
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam 3 times
5. Deep relaxation 5-15 minutes on your own after the video
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon April-5,2023 Meditation Bilingual: Become a Light Being/Affirming Self-Trust
Kundalini Full Moon April-5- 2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under the April 2023' Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself about 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Guided visualization with Long deep breathing: bathing in healing waters of Mother Earth
3. Kundalini Meditation: Become a Light Being
4. Deep relaxation
5. Kundalini Meditation: Affirming Self-Trust
6. Closing chant: Sat Nam 3 times
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Spring Equinox/New Moon Garden Ritual Meditation Bilingual
Spring Equinox/New Moon March, 20-21, 2023 Garden Ritual Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Self-reflection: how do I paint the future through my current thoughts, emotions, actions or non-actions? Equinoxes are perfect times for self-assessment, a reset into a neutral presence and self-regulation. The practice offered in this meditative ritual in backyard garden offers exactly that. You may use it as an inspiration, or follow along my recording, creatively adjust your circumstances, at times switch to your mental projections instead, or do it in sitting homey cozy environment.
This offering contains Earth based ritual with Pranic warm-up and Kundalini Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for over one hour of standing or sitting, outdoors or indoor. Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Offerings to all 7 directions
3. Pranic Warm-Up with unwinding and winding practice
4. Ho'oponopono practice to deliver inner balance/pono with offering this medicine to all directions
5. Kundalini Cross Heart Kirtan Kriya with mantra Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa
6. Projecting Into the Future: Naad Meditation to Communicate from Totality with Mantra Wha wha hay hay, Wha wha hay hay, Wha wha hay hay, Gu-roo.
7. May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You closing chant
Sat Nam
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon March 7, 2023 Meditation: Become Sharpwitted/Anti-Depression/ Brain Synchrony
Kundalini Full Moon March-7- 2023 Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Theme is PRESENT TIME: What is now on my plate
Kundalini Meditation recorded under the March 2023 Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation: To Become Sharpwitted - 7 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation for brain renewal: Anti-Depression and Brain Synchrony - around 22 minutes
4. Kundalini Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy with mantra ONG - 3 minutes
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam 3 times
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me@jana ziman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon Meditation Feb 20, 2023 Bilingual: Handle a Grave Situation/Prepare for Deep Meditation/Shakti Mantra
Kundalini New Moon Meditation
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for about one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation to Handle a Grave Situation - 5 minutes
This is psychotherapy and resolves inner conflicts. Can be built to 11, 22 or 31 minutes of practice.
3. Kundalini Kriya to Prepare for Deep Meditation cca 30 minutes
4. Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation with mantra WAHE GURU WAHE GURU WA HE WA HE WAHE GURU - 11 minutes
This is Laya Yoga evoking altered state of consciousness through breath, rhythm and mantra. It leads to ecstasy, calmness and may reduce fever.
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam 3 times
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal mee@JanaZiman
Kundalini New Moon Meditation Jan-21- 2023 Bilingual: Awaken the Dormant Power Within/Open the Heart Center/Experience Your Boundlessness
Kundalini New Moon Meditation Jan-21- 2023
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Theme is SURRENDER to the FLOW
Kundalini Meditation recorded under the first New Moon of New Year 2023 with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for about one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Riding the Breath with Kundalini Meditation: Awaken the Dormant Power Within - 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation to Open the Heart Center with Mantra:
"God is the Doer" (God/Creation/Source)
11 minutes
4. Kundalini Meditation for the Tenth Gate: To Experience Your Boundlessness with mantra HAR HAR MUKANDAY (turns challenges into opportunities and removes fear)
HAR is creative aspect of God in earthly realm
MUKANDAY means liberating aspect of God/Creation/Source
9 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
Paypal me@JanaZiman
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation Jan 6, 2023: Envision/Self-Authority/Shakti Pad/Stabilize
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation recorded under the first Full Moon of New Year 2023 with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results.
Healing and empowering from within out continues to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2. Kundalini Meditation: Caliber for Constant Self-Authority - 9 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation for Shakti Pad and Midlife Transition with Mantra:
Prayer is offered oh Guru Amar Das
Guru Amar Das, the prayer is offered.
Guru Ram Das Guru Ram Das
Guru Ram Das, it is truly sealed.
11 minutes
4. Kundalini Meditation: Get Stable - Anywhere (support in crisis) - 5 minutes
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Year 2023 Meditative Ritual: Cutting Negative Thoughts/Meditation for Maturity
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Theme is AWAKEN and see beyond.
Kundalini Meditation recorded at the first day of New Year 2023 with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for over one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may prepare yourself with some warm up exercises for best results. Healing and empowering from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras each 3 times
2.Pranayam: Four-to-One-Breath Aura Builder
3. Kriya: Emotional Resilience: Cutting Negative Thoughts
4. Seeing through loving eyes (technique to metabolize trauma trapped within body)
5. Kundalini Meditation supporting Transitions: Meditation for Maturity with mantra Sat Naam Sat Naam Whaa-hay Guroo Whaa-hay Guroo
6. Closing chant: May the Long Time
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini New Moon Meditation Dec 2022: Releasing the Elements/Break the Mask
Kundalini Meditation in December's 2022 New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Drink lots of liquids after.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Kundalini Kriya: Releasing the Elements for about 40 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation: Break the Mask for about 15 minutes
4. Closing chant: May the Long Time Sun
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Winter Solstice 2022 bilingual ritual: somatic senzory communion with primal elements
Informal and spontaneous ritual of Winter Solstice celebration focused on somatic senzory communion with primal elements, which form one's direct life experience. This video can serve as an inspiration how to deepen, expand on or extend your own creative flow.
Modrana prompts you to pause this video to have more time for exactly that. Prepare for time in standing and siting, best in your own privacy for 1,5 hours.
This ritual contains:
Tune in and invocation of all directions;
Pranic Warm Up Sequence;
Earth element and connection to inner shadow-self;
Water element, purification and flow (prepare warm salty water basin for foot bath, towel and hand purifier), or consider to pause the video and take a shower or bath;
Fire element (prepare candle to light) or should you have your own fireplace/woodstove make an offering to feed the fire.
Air element and aligning practice into "here and now" with sense of peaceful eye of a hurricane
Ether element and communion with higher Self through staring into a mirror in direct connection to your eyes. Prepare a bigger mirror, where you can see your human self clearly.
Gratitude to all directions; "May the Long Time" closing song
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation December 2022: Balancing Behavior & Impulse/Clear Out Your Mental Paranoia
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in December's 2022 Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. Drink lots of liquids specifically right after the last meditation and the following day.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Kundalini Meditation: Balancing Behavior & Impulse 11 minutes
3. Kundalini Meditation: Kriya to Clear Out Your Mental Paranoia - about 27 minutes
4. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation November 23, 2022 Bilingual: Develop Your Hidden Greatness
Kundalini New Moon Meditation November 23, 2022 Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in November's 2022 New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
The combination of practices emerged before gathering at Northern Slovakia, Kundalini: Dragon's Tenderness, weekend retreat aligned with many other Light Circles around the globe summoned for Nov 25-27, 2022. Theme of this practice came in a metaphor: Walking up the Mountain under the Rain of Flowers to connect with the Infinite and develop our hidden greatness.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Kundalini kriya: Reverse Adi Shakti Kriya 17 minutes
3. Kundalini kriya: Develop Your Hidden Greatness - about 20 minutes
4. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via by
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation 8/11/ 2022 Bilingual: Clearing Anger and Fear of the Future
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation November 2022 Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in November's 2022 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
The combination of practices emerged within chaotic, heavy and dark energies on Full Moon in Taurus, delivering many swift changes, surprises, challenges and opportunities to rise above one's frustration, anger, emotional turmoil or mental entanglements. Aiming towards a neutral space of HEART CENTER, which is held and supported from below, lower triangle, our HARA and ROOTS. We continue shifting from monkey mind and emotional jumpy Self into the grounded neutral heart-centered peaceful presence. Healing and empowering from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Warm Up with basic elements
3. Kundalini Meditation to Clear Inner Anger with mantra HAR - 15 minutes
4. Kundalini Meditation to Remove Fear of the Future- 11 minutes
4. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results. Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me
Kundalini Meditation 25/10/2022 Bilingual: Peace in the Heart with Divine Intervention
Kundalini New Moon Meditation October 25, 2022 Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in October's 2022 New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. The combination of practices emerged under auspicious circumstances and peaked during actual recording of this video through ZOOM application. There was no one else at ZOOM room but myself, so I could see me only at the monitor. After the second meditation there was a deep silence and it looks like a frozen screen. However, that was a deep moment of my connection with the Source, within which the ZOOM screen turned black, wifi connection interrupted, and beautiful mandalas started to dance on my computer monitor instead of my image. Because I also had an Iphone recording happening as my backup, I continued with the last meditation, but was watching in awe those mandalas on the screen at the same time. When I stopped Iphone after sealing the meditation with Sat Nam chant, I took the Iphone and recorded those mandalas. You can see that action at the end of this video. I had no idea at that time whether ZOOM was still recording me, mandalas, or nothing,...until the video was sent to me later on. I am deeply grateful for magical moments like that, which are plentiful and their expression through the matter are more and more obvious. Wahe Guru.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Kundalini Meditation for the aspect of mental projection called INTEGRATOR with mantra HAR HAR WHA-HAY GU-ROO. Meditation itself is called "Mental Intersection". 11 minutes
3. Physical integration though basic elements
4. Kundalini Meditation for Peace in the Heart - 11 minutes
5. Kundalini Meditation for the Most Powerful Energy with mantra ONG - 3 minutes
6. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results. Enjoy!
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation October 2022 Bilingual: Develop Your Hidden Greatness promoting projection of one's destiny
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation October 2022
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in October's 2022 Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
The combination of practices emerged within chaotic energies on Full Moon in Aries, delivering many surprises, challenges and opportunities to rise above one's helplessness, frustration, anger, emotional turmoils or mental obsessions. Aiming towards a neutral space of HEART CENTER, which is held and supported from below, lower triangle, our HARA and ROOTS. We continue shifting from monkey mind and emotional jumpy Self into the grounded heart-centered peaceful presence. Healing and empowering from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Kundalini Meditation for Prosperity with mantra HAR 5 minutes
3. Kundalini Kriya: Develop Your Hidden Greatness promoting projection of one's destiny - cca 30 minutes
4. Kundalini Laya Yoga Meditation with mantra Ek Ong Kaar(ah) Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa Siree Wha(ah) Hay Guroo - 5 minutes
4. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation New Beginnings:Power of the Mind Over the Body , Eliminating Thoughts You Dislike
Kundalini Meditation at September's 2022 New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Before receive lots of liquids for the best results to become an effective conduit for energy flow. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. You may feel spaced out after, so ground well after for your own safety.
The combination of practices emerged within a shift from Summer to the Fall during Equinox. It was recorded at Lantzville, BC oceanfront while tide was rising very quickly in support of a theme of these days - HEAL YOURSELF& HEAL THE WORLD. Healing from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and Ad Guray mantras
2. Kundalini Kriya: Power of the Mind Over the Body
3. Kundalini Meditation: Eliminating Thoughts You Dislike
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or via Paypal
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Equinox ritual 22:9:2022 bilingual! Kundalini meditations in support of 2 kvantum shamanic practices
Equinox ritual 22:9:2022 Bilingual: English and Slovak An inspiration for your own Equinox ritual practice to balance inner gifts and challenges, shadow and shiny Self, beyond timelines of the past, present and future. Recorded by Modrana Co-Creation at the shore of Pacific Rim ocean side of Vancouver Island in Canada, at the World's Gratitude Day, Sept, 21, 2022.
Approaching 2022's Fall Equinox, this combination of practices emerged within a theme of these days - BALANCE and HEALING from within out to the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth and All My Relations. You may follow this practice anytime when you feel called. Prepare for 1,5 hour of either sitting or standing and give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation after, for full energetic integration. Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results. .This meditative ritual contains Kundalini practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan in support to two quantum/shamanic rites of passage:
1. Tune in with mantras ONG NAMO and AD GURAY NAMEH
2. Self Care Breath or Breath of 10 to gather prana/life-force
3. Ritual to heal/erase toxic shadow aspect of Self via Ancestry lineage
4. Meditation for Atomic Radiation
5. Ritual to promote/vitalize shiny aspect of Self via one's chosen lineage
6. Kundalini meditation with mantra Wahe Guru to stabilize the effect of these rituals in quantum field, from within out
7. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada IBAN SK4683300000002100876869 in Slovakia or PAYPAL Thank you for supporting Modrana Co-Creation channel for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation 9-9:2022 Bilingual: 3rd chakra and change to HEART centered world
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation September 2022 Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in September's 2022 Harvest Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
The combination of practices emerged within a theme of the day of recording 9 of 9 = Completion and actual Full Moon at 10/9: 1 = Beginning of something from 0 = shuniya and neutral space of HEART CENTER, which is held and supported from below, lower triangle. We change gears from monkey mind into the grounded heart-centered world. Healing and empowering from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Kundalini Kriya: Working on the Third Chakra - cca 22 minutes
3. Meditation of Change - cca 16 minutes
4. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me via
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Invitation to take a stand and co create - Aug 2, 2022
My ZOOM-in monologue of August 2, 2022 for re-connection and activation of our Co-creation. Time to plant seeds of peace, health, nourishment and prosperity for All on Planet Earth and gather in power circles.
From Jana/Modrana's heart to your own.
Namaste/Sat Nam
Kundalini Meditation bilingual: Inner Mastery 11-8-2022/Fire Kriya/Reversal of Age
Kundalini Full Moon Meditation August 2022 Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in August's 2022 Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
The combination of practices emerged within a theme of this day: #11 = MASTERY within Mystery of great co-creation, 1 + 1, Me and Thy. Healing and empowering from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth, Oneself and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Fire Kriya - 11 minutes
3. Meditation for reversal of Age - cca 5 minutes
4. Meditation to Feel Calm&Cozy - 11 minutes
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results. Enjoy!
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada or Paypal me
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation bilingual: Burnout/ Return Home/Beaming and Creating Future/Changes on Planet Earth
Kundalini Meditation at New Moon in July 2022. Theme of this practice is BURNOUT and RETURN HOME. It is a blessing to do this practice anytime and anywhere. Enjoy!
Practice contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and Ad Guray mantras
2. Meditation to prepare for changes on planet Earth - 9 minutes
3. Activation of basic elements within physical body and equalizing energy throughout
4. Kundalini Kriya: Beaming and Creating the Future. 21 minutes
5. Closure with Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Donation for balancing energies are welcome by e-trans at
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation June 2022 bilingual: Balance in Relationships/Core Alignment
Bilingual: English and Slovak
Kundalini Meditation in June's 2022 Full Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration. The combination of practices emerged within a theme of these days - BALANCE in RELATIONSHIPS and two basic elements asked to support this practice: fire and water. Healing from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and AD GURAY mantras
2. Sitali Pranayam - 5 minutes
3. Kundalini Kriya: Relief From Stress - cca 15 minutes
4. Meditation for the Inner Manager and Core alignments of the Negative Mind and Ahangkar - 3 plus 11 minutes
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation bilingual: Earth to Heaven/Clearing Karmas
Bilingual: English and Slovak Kundalini Meditation at May's 2022 New Moon Energies with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel, with awareness that the second practice is best to be done while sitting on the ground. Should you prefer chair, then mentally extend your fingers in palpable connection with Earth's magnetic field. Receive lots of liquids for the best results to become an effective conduit for energy flow. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
The combination of practices emerged within a theme of these days - RELATIONSHIPS: specifically woman/man or personal partnerships, archetypal Feminine and Masculine respectively, and also mother/daughter, father/son, or archetypal Parent/Child dynamics. Healing from within out continues in the benefit of Creation, Mother Earth and All My Relations.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and Ad Guray mantras
2. Warm up for the lower triangle to support the upper one for the following two meditations.
3. Hast Kriya: Earth to Heaven (healing for nervous system and supporting positive personality changes) - 11 minutes with mantra Sat Nam Wahe Guru
4. Meditation for the Arc Lines and to Clear the Karmas - 11 minutes with mantra Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jeeo
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Enjoy! Namaste.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada
by Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini Meditation: Success and Happiness/Expel Grief and Guilt
Kundalini Meditation at May 2022 Full Moon in full lunar eclipse with practices as taught by Yogi Bhajan. You may follow this practice anytime you feel called with awareness that the kriya is recommended for evening hours and with lots of liquids received after for the best results. Prepare for one hour of sitting and after the video give yourself at least 15 minutes of deep relaxation for full integration.
This meditative ritual contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and Ad Guray mantras
2. Pranayam for Pituitary and Pineal Gland Stimulation
3. Kundalini Kriya: Four Exercises to Welcome Success and Happiness and Expel Grief and Guilt
4. Meditation to Bless Yourself with mantra Humee Hum Brahm Hum (please notice that video shows as mirror image, so do as I say not as you see me doing it in this recording)
5. Closing chant: Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to in Canada
or IBAN SK4683300000002100876869 in Slovakia
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations
Kundalini meditation: Passion/ Cross Heart kriya/Awaken Dormant Power Within
Kundalini Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan performed with New Moon energies of magic Beltane night on April 30/May 1st. It is suitable for practicing anytime you wish.
It contains pranayama in support to one's intuitive capacities and insight: Four Stroke Breath to build Intuition, 11 minutes.
The theme is PASSION. "What ignites me, what inspires me and what motivates me? How does the path of the HEART reveal through passion and the ecstasy of creation? This links to compassion as well.
The second practice is kriya: Awaken the Dormant Power Within, 11 minutes.
The last meditation of this meditative sequence is for mental balance, the aspect of the mind called Historian, when Relay of Past Memory is balanced with Cross heart Kirtan Kriya, using mantra Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa. 11 minutes.
All the techniques in this video are aimed towards enlightening the Collective Consciousness, where I start from myself and go from inside out to the widest of circles.
Prepare an undisturbed meditation space for 1 hour and water to drink within your reach.
The Protocol for practicing Kundalini yoga is a basic prerequisite for the positive outcome and effectiveness of this meditative ritual.
Should you wish to balance the energy for receiving this video, your donation shall be gratefully received trough e-transfer to Thank you very much. Receiving the gift of this video and enjoying its essence in your own way for your energetic revival is, in any case, my highest reward and the mission of my life.
May all beings be healthy and happy! Om Mani Padme Hum. Sat Nam, Wahe Guru, Namaste.
Jana Ziman / Modrana Co-Creation / G-Bhai-K
Pranic sequence: best for outdoors or prep for healing/meditation/other practices
Breath, movement and energetic alignment in standing. Perfect as morning start up, anytime during the day as refreshment/rejuvenation; for healers or meditators before their practice. Promotes flow of energy, grounds, relaxes, aligns energy centers, purifies; helps with self awareness, one's presence in the body, and releases energy build up from stress or mental fatigue. Handy when outdoors to connect with elements on deeper level. Recommended barefoot, you can do it standing in natural waters, or simply at home with your window open for fresh air inflow. Suitable for anyone, anywhere, simple and short. Can be done within 5-7 minutes in fast focused action.
I adopted this practice for myself as daily practice from Master Choa Kok Sui teachings for Pranic Healers with gratitude and respect. As IBP therapist and Kundalini yoga teacher, I use it mostly outdoors when meeting clients or working with groups before meditation circles. The first part is a wonderful way how to release and cleanse energy. The second part brings new prana in, for full integration of Earthy and Heavenly realms in within.
Earth Day Kundalini Meditation: Pure Flame of Light/Clearing Mental Paranoia
Kundalini Meditation to honour and support Mother Earth took place on Friday April 22, 2022 at 8pm Pacific Time ZOOM circle with attendance from both Canada and Slovakia at their 5am time. Spreading peace, Love, Light and harmony from within out, through promoting inner balance, grounded presence, self-love, respect, purity and awareness of interconnection. It is a blessing to do this practice anytime and anywhere. Enjoy!
Practice contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and Ad Guray mantras
2. Activation of basic elements within physical body with warm up exercises
3. Meditation: A PURE FLAME OF LIGHT - about 7 minutes
4. Kundalini Kriya for cleaning subconscious: KRIYA TO CLEAR MENTAL PARANOIA - about 30 minutes
5. Closing chant: May the Long Time and Sat Nam mantra
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans at or
IBAN SK4683300000002100876869 in Slovakia
A Call to Kundalini Tribe of March 28, 2022: Re-connection and Activation
My ZOOM-in monologue of March 28, 2022 for re-connection and activation of our Co-creation. Time to plant seeds of peace, health, nourishment and prosperity for All on Planet Earth.
From Jana/Modrana's heart to your own.
Namaste/Sat Nam
Spring Equinox 2022 Kundalini Meditation: Polarity Balance
Kundalini Meditation at Spring Equinox 2022 took place on Sunday March 20, 2022 at 8.30 am Canadian Pacific Time zone ZOOM circle with attendance from Canada and Slovakia.
Theme of this practice is BALANCE in the midst of chaos and great imbalance on the Planet Earth. Spreading peace, Love, Light and harmony from within out. It is a blessing to do this practice anytime and anywhere. Enjoy.
Practice contains:
1. Tune in with ONG NAMO and Ad Guray mantras
2. Meditation with polarity balance mudra - 11 minutes
3. Activation of basic elements within physical body and equalizing energy throughout
4. Kundalini Kriya: For Wealth and Intuitive Opportunity with mantra Hariang (Shiva. Destroyer of Evil). Feeding prosperity consciousness even if appearances differ in manifested reality. 22 minutes
5. Closure with Sat Nam and May the Long Time mantras
Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, substances, empty stomach and plenty of water to drink) guarantees an optimal positive results.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to or paypal
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations Namaste
Kundalini Meditation 2 minute sampler: Four to One Breath/Aura Builder, 26-1-2021
Four to One Breath Aura Builder Kundalini Pranayam can refresh, attune you to magnetic field of Mother Earth and creates a shield of natural protection as well as projection of one§s personal strength. Enjoy!
Solstice Personal Reset, 21-12-2020: Become Intuitive, Kriya: Miracle Bend, Meditation for Atomic Radiation
Kundalini Yoga and meditation with Jana Ziman. The last practice of Personal Reset 2020 series. 120 minutes of supporting the Planetary sangat in the Final RESET of the year of 2020, STANDING UP FOR MOTHER EARTH. Observe Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, drugs, best on empty stomach, drink a lot of water).
This Kundalini practice contains: warm up, Meditation to Become Intuitive, Kriya: Miracle Bend, and Meditation for Atomic Radiation.
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to or paypal
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations Namaste
Kundalini Yoga/Personal Reset: Forgiveness, 20-11-2020
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Personal Reset 2020 series; theme for this one is Forgiveness. Best practiced at night and go to sleep right after. Observe Protocol for Kundalini Yoga (no alcohol, drugs, best on empty stomach, drink a lot of water).
This Kundalini practice contains warm up with primal elements and Kriya: Four Exercises to Welcome Success and Happiness and Expel Grief and Guilt. Enjoy!
Donation for balancing energies is welcome by e-trans to or paypal
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations Namaste
Kundalini Yoga/Personal Reset 20-10-2020: Inner Light and TERMA quantum practice
Modrana Co-Creation presents Kundalini Yoga and Meditation practice as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This KUNDALINI ACTIVATION CAPSULE contains: Warm up with awareness of the five elements, Kundalini Yoga Kriyas: Breath of Ten and Strengthening the Inner Light, followed by TERMA quantum power practice.
Protocol for practicing Kundalini Yoga is recommended for safe and effective results. Please, do not practice under the influence of alcohol or other substances, with full stomach or severe health issues. Connect for more guidance through contact form. Enjoy!
Donation for balancing energies are welcome by e-trans at
Modrana Co-Creation for the benefit of All My Relations